Postgraduate Studies

Hello, in this day I will talk about the  course that I would like take after of finish my career. 

 Exist many course about differents somethings as literature, philosophy, politic and other something like. After of I finish  my career of Social Work I want take a course of art. I want take a course of art because I love it, I enjoy of the art. It is a way of expression that full a vacuum inside of me.
Since the school, in my last two years, I was discover a passion for the art what I don't knew that I had. I am horrible for draw but of all way I enjoyed this class. I love create something new although I don't use  specific technique. I only leave that all flow. In the moment in that I stay front to a canvas I leave to my hands trace lines for here and for there. 
Always that I create something I have a enormous feeling of satisfaction. A feeling what the write and the read not give me.
I would like take this course in the abroad maybe in Venice, Italy, France or a like country. I would like explore others cultures and in the same time learn about all the art existing.
I would like take a course of one year.

Well, this is all :D


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